2 Factors To Consider Before Entering A Two-Year Degree Program

Many people overlook two-year colleges, but they are invaluable for making college accessible to more people, regardless of their career goals. Before you enter college, it is important to consider ways to maximize your opportunity and make sure the program and classes you select are right for your goals. 1. Your Long-Range Goals The goals you have after graduation will greatly influence the program you choose. If your career interests are applied, you do not always need a two-year degree to enter the job market. Read More 

Five Reasons Why Online Colleges Are The Best Option For Military Personnel

One of the biggest motivations for young adults to sign up with a branch of the military is because the military/government pays for most of their education. However, there are often caveats that come with this benefit. The most notable caveat is that you have to serve before you earn and learn. Since many young soldiers do not want to be going to college in their late twenties and early thirties, the military has found a way for its youngest soldiers to go to school while serving their country. Read More